Alameda County PEER Team
CISM Activation
Contact the EMS supervisor or the on-duty CISM team member to initiate CISM support. Engage with a peer to assess your needs and determine the most effective ways we can provide assistance and support.
EAP Lifeworks
Employee Assistance Program.
Username: Falck Password: Lifeworks
Suicide Hotline
Having thoughts of suicide or self harm?
Call the suicide prevention hotline.
Veteran Crisis Line
Veteran in crisis?
Call the suicide prevention hotline and press 1
Veterans Crisis Text: 838255
First Responder Oriented Health Advocacy and Education
“The idea is that Code Green is calling a code alert on the mental health of first responders.”
Substance abuse and mental health services administration.
Contact Us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!